Raising the Bar on Liberty Lines

I met Craig Greenberg one afternoon in Chelsea, around mid-summer 2012. It was a mid-street café plaza across from the Apple store where a decrepit spinet piano with a funky paint job rested unattended.  It was one among the many placed around NYC for the Sing for Hope “open-source” art appreciation program, (www.singforhope.org/pianos) meant to inspire spontaneous creative inspiration and communications between strangers. Which it does!

I was playing a new song and singing to a downtown 9th Ave cab driver stopped 4th in line for a 14th street crosstown red light. Mr. Greenberg passed by and sat down, and listened a bit. I commented that – I was “surprised the instrument remained in tune,” wondering out loud how long it had been on the street. CG listened on, for a few minutes and I asked him if he played. Of course he did.

He mentioned he was NY singer songwriter. I asked him if he had any new songs, and that I’d love to hear them. After I finished of course. ; ) I relented, timely.

Of course I watched his voicings, chord structuring, technique at first, then let go as he began to play with some degree of passion. “Wow” I thought and smiled. Timing. And very good rhythm. I believe the song was called “Halfway Home,” and he played quite well. He sang the tune like he meant it and the depth presented in the lyrics quite moving. 

I recently listened to a new song of CG’s, “Death On Liberty Line” (2015 “The Grand Loss & Legacy”) liked it, and couldn’t help but sense some Randy Newman flavors there, among others.

All mixing aside, I love the tune, but mixing can be an “art” unto itself. I think CG’s "Liberty Line" video marks a new high bar for unsigned acts. The content couldn’t have been more timely in this very active political climate. I tip my hat to the production team and editor.

Nice work!

Mic Drop/Catfish Friday Music ©2016